Annual Salary Calculator 2023-2024

This calculator can help you visualise how Payroll works: input a gross annual salary and see the take home pay per month, and how much tax would be payable monthly and annually.

Salary calculations, applicable taxation and legislation are complex questions, that are affected by many factors and personal circumstances. Our calculator is unable to include all possible scenarios but can be used as a guide to likely take home pay and tax/NI payable.


Please note, this is a simplified version of calculations and serves illustrative purpose only. Calculations are based on most used criteria (e.g. Personal emergency tax code 1257L) but the following factors arenot considered: other Personal Tax Codes, Student Loan deductions, National Insurance and pension variations, Specific Married Couple allowance, Blindness allowance, Pension age and other. We strongly advise to use professional services rather than DIY solutions.

Let’s get in touch

+44 (0) 207 617 7126

Correspondence address: 85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London, England, W1W 7LT

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